

Which dental implant is better?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone. They are often recommended for patients who have lost their teeth due to periodontal disease or other conditions. 

A dental implant is a permanent solution to missing teeth. If you have lost a tooth because of gum disease or injury, it might be time to consider dental implants.


The procedure involves placing titanium posts into the jawbone where teeth once stood. These posts then serve as anchors for crowns (the visible part of a tooth) that are attached to them.

dental implant in Coimbatore

Is dental implant painful?

Dental implants are becoming increasingly common. They are used to replace missing teeth and provide a permanent solution to tooth loss. The procedure involves placing titanium posts into the jawbone where the roots of the teeth once were. These posts then act as anchors for artificial crowns or dentures.

Dental implants are considered to be the gold standard treatment for replacing missing teeth. However, they come at a price. In addition to the initial cost, patients also need to pay for maintenance visits every year or two.


While dental implants are generally safe, some complications can occur. Some of these include infection, bone loss, nerve damage, and even implant failure. If you’re considering having dental implants done, talk to your dentist about potential risks and benefits.

You should expect to be pain-free during your dental implant surgery if your nerves are numbed. You may feel pressure at times, but it should not bother you.

Types of dental implant

1. Titanium Implants

 Titanium implants are the most commonly used type of dental implant. They are strong, durable, and highly biocompatible. They are considered the best choice for people who need to replace missing teeth.

2. Gold Implants

 Gold implants are often used in cases where titanium implants would not work well. They are less expensive than titanium implants, and they do not require any special preparation of the bone. However, gold implants are not as strong as titanium implants.

 3. Ceramic Implants

 Ceramic implants are similar to gold implants, except that they are made out of ceramic rather than gold. Ceramic implants are stronger than gold implants, and they are easier to clean.

 4. Zirconium Implants

 Zirconium implants are a combination of titanium and zirconium. Zirconium is a metal that is harder than titanium, making them ideal for use in areas where high levels of force are applied to the implant.

 5. Cobalt Implants

 Cobalt implants are made from cobalt-chrome alloy. Cobalt implants are stronger than titanium implants, and are recommended for people who chew hard foods.

 6. Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Implants

 PEEK implants are made from polyetheretherketone, a synthetic polymer material. PEEK implants are lightweight and flexible, and they are suitable for people who want to wear removable dentures.

 7. Other Types of Implants

 There are many other types of implants, including stainless steel, platinum, and even wood. Each type of implant has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Titanium is biocompatible, it is the greatest dental implant material. This indicates that it is correct and closely matches the human body. It is also capable of fusing with human bone. To learn more about dental implant operations, contact the dental implant in Coimbatore.

Why dental implants expensive?

Dental implants are very effective at replacing missing teeth. Implants are considerably more than just screwing a screw into a bone. The human jaw bone is a complicated structure that houses numerous important anatomical features. Thus, preoperative 3-dimensional dental scans known as CBCT are required to minimize even minor implant misalignment.

Dental Implant vs Root Canal

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a titanium post surgically placed into the jawbone where a tooth would normally reside. Once the bone heals around the implant, a crown (a replacement tooth) is attached to the implant via a special abutment. Dental implants provide many benefits over traditional methods of tooth restoration.


  • No anesthesia is necessary.
  • Less invasive than a root canal.
  • Immediate function after placement.


  • Requires two surgeries.
  • Can fail due to infection or improper healing.

Root Canal Therapy

  • Root Canal Treatment is a procedure where the infected nerve fibers inside the tooth are removed and replaced with a special filling material. This treatment is done to prevent further infection and damage to the nerves of the tooth.
  • Root canal treatment is performed to remove any bacteria or microorganisms that have invaded the root canal system of the teeth. These bacteria may cause severe pain if they remain untreated.
  • Root canal treatment is commonly recommended after dental trauma (injury) or decay of the tooth. If the pulp chamber becomes exposed due to injury, then the dentist will recommend root canal treatment to save the tooth.
  • Root canal treatment is not always necessary. Sometimes, the tooth can heal without treatment. However, if the tooth does need root canal treatment, then the dentist will clean out the entire area around the roots of the tooth using instruments called files. After cleaning, the dentist will fill the empty space with a special type of cement called gutta percha.
  • Root canal treatment is often recommended to treat painful symptoms caused by abscesses, cysts, tumors, or infections.
  • Root canal treatment is sometimes recommended to treat problems with the crown of the tooth. A crown is the visible portion of the tooth above the gum line. In some cases, the crown may become damaged or decayed. When this happens, the dentist will recommend root canals to save the tooth.
  • Root canal treatment is also used to repair cracked or broken teeth. Cracked teeth are those that have cracks running down the length of the tooth. Broken teeth are those that have been fractured at their base. Both types of cracked and broken teeth require root canal treatment.
  • Root canal treatment is a simple and safe procedure that requires no anesthesia.
  • Root canal treatment can be completed in just one visit to the dentist's office.
  • Root canal treatment is relatively inexpensive compared to other treatments.
  • Root canal treatment is highly effective.
  • Root canal treatment is permanent.
  • Root canal treatment is considered a conservative treatment.
  • Root canal treatment is less invasive than other procedures.

Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a way to improve your smile without having to spend a lot of money you have probably heard about dental implants. Dental implants are small titanium screws located in the jaw that serve as replacements for the root of your teeth. 

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